
Filtered projects(3):

The Portfolio

  • javascript
  • Sass

The Portfolio - a ongoing project that documents my coding journey, showcasing my programming skills and what I've been working on.


  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap

MyNFT was my first project utilising Bootstrap for a modular and customisable architecture, where I converted a Figma design file to functional code.


  • javascript
  • react

Finsweet - A project which has allowed me to explore more complex features and functionality of React, converting a Figma design into production code.


  • javascript

A memory game for those Marvel fans out there! I've utilized the Marvel API to fetch data and used JavaScript functionality to filter and present the results.


  • javascript
  • react

A modern landing page built with React. An exciting project where I learned how to effectively use components and effectively structure project content.

Website Redesign

  • javascript
  • bootstrap

Turning my hand to redesigning an old website, I sought out a local company to see how their site could be modernised. Here you can view the final output.

Rock Paper Scissors

  • javascript

Who doesn't love 'Rock Paper Scissors'? Especially when it helps to showcase the use of JavaScript functionality. Jump in and have a go!

Raiders' Club Website

  • javascript

An early project built as part of the Codecademy Front-End Career Path. A simple webpage providing information about a local basketball team.

The Other Portfolio

  • Javascript
  • Sass

'The Other Portfolio' is the output from an online tutorial where I gained deeper knowledge of how to implement JavaScript but also how to how to write SCSS.

Simply Recipes

  • javascript

An early project, demonstrating a clean design, and a simpleyet effective structure. A project primed for converting to React...